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Components Overview

In VertiGIS Studio Mobile, components are entities which implement UI/UX experiences and the associated logic. An example of a component is an I Want to Menu (IWTM). IWTMs participate in layout, implement custom behavior (display a list when clicked), and participate in app config.

Components are only created if they participate in the layout - if no component definition exists in the layout, none will be created. Components are initialized when they are activated. Multiple instances of the same component will be created if specified in the layout.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../ViewerSpec/layout/layout-mobile.xsd">
<iwtm config="iwtm-1" slot="top-left"/>
<iwtm config="iwtm-2" slot="top-right"/>

Component Views and Configuration Models

In order to display in an Application, each component must create a VisualElement. This is usually accomplished through a XAML View. Each component can also optionally have an associated configuration model. This model represents settings from the component from the app config JSON, and the component is responsible for consuming this configuration model and passing the appropriate settings along to the view.

Next Steps

Create a Component

Learn how to create a basic component

Check out the Component Reference

Take a deep dive into components in the VertiGIS Studio Mobile SDK