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Converting a VertiGIS Studio Mobile SDK project to .NET MAUI

· 6 min read
Felicity Rhone
Software Developer

As of our 5.30 release, VertiGIS Studio Mobile has been migrated from Xamarin Forms to .NET MAUI, on .NET 8. We've now completed work to support MAUI in our nuget package as well, so the time has come for any Xamarin Forms projects using our SDK to do their own migration. In this blog post I'll walk you through the process, using our VertiGIS Mobile Samples project as an example.

Creating Custom Bands with the Inline SDK

· 20 min read
Michael Kowal
Software Developer

With VertiGIS Inline 2.3 and later, users now have the ability to create their own custom bands that run right in Inline using the VertiGIS Inline SDK. These custom bands are made with React and TypeScript, giving authors total control over what the band can do. Today, we will run through the steps to build, deploy and use a custom band in an Inline view.

Mobile Generic Event Listener

· 8 min read
Kenneth Walker
Software Developer

VertiGIS Studio Mobile 5.22 includes an exciting new capability for working with commands, operations, and events. This capability allows app authors to execute custom, configured actions in response to events raised in Mobile. To opt in to this behavior, app authors register an event listener (subscriber) for any given Mobile event. When this event is raised in Mobile, the corresponding configured command or operation is invoked.