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Existing language strings for an application can be customized for any language in the VertiGIS Studio Web Designer. To provide a complete translation in an entirely new locale for VertiGIS Studio Web, please contact us.

VertiGIS Studio Web was designed to be fully internationalizable on all levels of the product, from app config to custom code. A major component of this is language strings. Language strings provide a couple advantages over hardcoding plain text in a component.

  1. Language strings can be easily translated or modified without having to change component code.
  2. Language strings can be shared across components.
  3. Language strings consolidate user facing text throughout the application, making it easy to review and find.

It is recommended you use language strings for all user facing text in your application.

Defining Language Strings

Language strings are defined as properties in a plain JSON file. It's convention to define language strings with the format language-kebab-cased-key.

"language-some-text-string": "I will be translated."

If you define a language string that VertiGIS Studio Web has already defined, it will override the existing language string with your custom string.

By convention, these files are named after the locale they represent. For example, a file of german language strings would be named de.json.

Registering Language Resources

All language resource files need to be registered with the SDK before they can be used.

import enJson from "./en.json";

export default function (registry: LibraryRegistry) {
locale: "en",
getValues: () => enJson,

Once a set of language strings has been registered, they can be used in the app config or in custom components.

Supported Locales

VertiGIS Studio Web has full language tag support as specified in the WC3 spec. The casing of a language tag determines what is it parsed as.

  • All lowercase tags like de are parsed as a language code.
  • Region codes, like de-AT are uppercase.
  • Script codes like ru-Latn are pascal cased.

Regional locales will not be used as fallback locales for a language. This means that if a browser is configured in the de locale, but language strings are registered with the de-AT locale in VertiGIS Studio Web, the fallback translation, not de-AT, will be shown.

Next Steps

Internationalization in App Config

Learn how to use language strings in the app config

Internationalize Components

Learn how to use language strings for user facing text in components