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Events Overview

Events are distinct, discrete messaging about a change or update that occurs in the viewer. They can be published or subscribed to by any component or service, and can be used to initiate behaviors, communicate data changes, and more. Events themselves do not execute behavior, but merely provide messaging so subscribers can act on changes.

Events are internal to VertiGIS Studio Web, so they can only be consumed by custom code. Custom components can access events through their models or through the UIContext. Custom services can publish or subscribe to built-in or custom events through the MessageBus.

The full list of existing events available in VertiGIS Studio Web can be found in the API documentation.

Events in VertiGIS Studio Web are grouped by categories, such as ui or viewer.


Events can publish custom arguments with information about the change they are communicating.

Next Steps

Subscribing to Existing Events

Learn how to subscribe to an existing event

Events API

Check out the full list of Events available in VertiGIS Studio Web

Implementing Custom Events

Learn how to implement a custom Event.