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Wrapping activity inputs and outputs

The implementation of the Workflow Runtime uses mechanisms to internally stay agnostic of used APIs. To achieve this, all non-builtin types in the output of an activity should get wrapped in a WrapperBase:

public Task<IDictionary<string, object>> Execute(IDictionary<string, object> inputs, IActivityContext context)
// activity work, e.g. creating a feature

IDictionary<string, object> outputs = new Dictionary<string, object>();

outputs.Add("feature", new CustomActivityWrapper(createdFeature));

return Task.FromResult(outputs);

where an implementation of a WrapperBase at least offers a Unwrap method:

private class CustomActivityWrapper : WrapperBase
//internals of the wrapper

public override object Unwrap()
return _actualObject;

Unwrapping inputs

Thus all inputs in an activity should get unwrapped before working with it. On Studio Desktop you may cast the input either to WrapperBase or IServiceProvider - both methods are equivalent:

public Task<IDictionary<string, object>> Execute(IDictionary<string, object> inputs, IActivityContext context)
// Variant 1 IServiceProvider:
IServiceProvider provider = inputs["feature"] as IServiceProvider;
Row actualObject = (Row)provider.GetService(typeof(Row));

// Variant 2 WrapperBase:
WrapperBase wrapper = inputs["feature"] as WrapperBase;
Row actualObject2 = (Row)wrapper.Unwrap();