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Workflow Activity Reference

In the VertiGIS Studio Workflow .NET SDK, activities are represented as simple classes with an Execute method.


Use a unique prefix on the Action property to avoid it conflicting with someone else's custom activities.

[assembly: Export(typeof(CustomActivity))]
namespace App1.Workflow
public class CustomActivity : IActivityHandler
public static string Action { get; } = "uuid:<uuid>::CustomActivity";

public Task<IDictionary<string, object?>> Execute(IDictionary<string, object?> inputs, IActivityContext context)
return Task.FromResult((IDictionary<string, object?>)new Dictionary<string, object?>(){
["result"] = "value"

Registering Activities

Every VertiGIS Studio Mobile application that implements custom workflow activities needs to implement an IActivityHandlerFactory. The IActivityHandlerFactory is responsible for registering the custom activities with VertiGIS Studio Mobile so they can be created by VertiGIS Studio Workflow at runtime.

The ActivityLoader registers custom activities in its constructor. Only one instance of the loader is required per VertiGIS Studio Mobile Application, as it can register multiple activities.


Two key components of this snippet are the [assembly: Export(...)] tag and the class extension ActivityLoader : IActivityHandlerFactory. These two pieces register the ActivityLoader with VertiGIS Studio Mobile and cause it to be initialized on startup.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using VertiGIS.Mobile.Composition;
using VertiGIS.Workflow.Runtime;
using VertiGIS.Workflow.Runtime.Definition;
using VertiGIS.Workflow.Runtime.Execution;
using App1.Workflow;

[assembly: Export(typeof(ActivityLoader), SingleInstance = true, AsImplementedInterfaces = true)]
namespace App1.Workflow
public class ActivityLoader : IActivityHandlerFactory
/// <summary>
/// Gets a mapping of action names to implementations of <see cref="IActivityHandler"/>s.
/// </summary>
private Dictionary<string, Func<IActivityHandler>> RegisteredActivities { get; } = new Dictionary<string, Func<IActivityHandler>>();

public ActivityLoader(Func<CustomActivity> customActivityFactory)
RegisteredActivities[CustomActivity.Action] = customActivityFactory;

/// <summary>
/// Creates an <see cref="IActivityHandler"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The name of the action to create.</param>
/// <param name="token">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <param name="inspector">The <see cref="ProgramInspector"/> for the program.</param>
/// <returns>The activity handler for the given action.</returns>
public Task<IActivityHandler> Create(string action, CancellationToken token, ProgramInspector inspector = null)
if (action == null || token.IsCancellationRequested)
return Task.FromResult<IActivityHandler>(null);

if (RegisteredActivities.TryGetValue(action, out Func<IActivityHandler> handlerType))
return Task.FromResult(handlerType());
return Task.FromResult<IActivityHandler>(null);

Access VertiGIS Studio Mobile Functionality

You can access VertiGIS Studio Mobile functionality in custom workflow activities by using the built-in dependency injection pattern to inject shared VertiGIS Studio Mobile services such as the UIOperations service.

First, add the class you want to inject to the constructor of the custom activity.

[assembly: Export(typeof(DisplayVertiGISStudioMobileAlert))]
namespace App1.Workflow
public class DisplayVertiGISStudioMobileAlert : IActivityHandler
private UIOperations _uiOperations;

public static string Action { get; } = "uuid:<uuid>::DisplayVertiGISStudioMobileAlert";

public DisplayVertiGISStudioMobileAlert(UIOperations uiOperations)
_uiOperations = uiOperations;

public Task<IDictionary<string, object?>> Execute(IDictionary<string, object?> inputs, IActivityContext context)
return Task.FromResult((IDictionary<string, object?>)new Dictionary<string, object?>());

Next, inject the activity into the IActivityHandlerFactory for the application.


Since the DisplayVertiGISStudioMobileAlert activity is injected into the IActivityHandlerFactory with Autofac, its dependency on the UIOperations class will be be resolved by Autofac.

public class ActivityLoader : IActivityHandlerFactory

public ActivityLoader(Func<DisplayVertiGISStudioMobileAlert> displayVertiGISStudioMobileAlertFactory)
RegisteredActivities[DisplayVertiGISStudioMobileAlert.Action] = displayVertiGISStudioMobileAlertFactory;

Finally, you can implement your activity using the referenced VertiGIS Studio Mobile class.

using App1.Workflow;
using VertiGIS.Mobile.Composition;
using VertiGIS.Mobile.Infrastructure.Messaging;
using VertiGIS.Workflow.Runtime;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

[assembly: Export(typeof(DisplayVertiGISStudioMobileAlert))]
namespace App1.Workflow
public class DisplayVertiGISStudioMobileAlert : IActivityHandler
private UIOperations _uiOperations;

public static string Action { get; } = "uuid:<uuid>::DisplayVertiGISStudioMobileAlert";

public DisplayVertiGISStudioMobileAlert(UIOperations uiOperations)
_uiOperations = uiOperations;

public async Task<IDictionary<string, object?>> Execute(IDictionary<string, object?> inputs, IActivityContext context)
await _uiOperations.Alert.ExecuteAsync(new UIAlertArgs() { Title = "It's dangerous to go alone.", Message = "Take this!", ButtonText = "*take sword*" });

return new Dictionary<string, object?>();

Access the Application Map

The map of the host application can be accessed through dependency injection . The MapProviderBase class which exposes the Map and MapView can be injected with the ProviderFactoryAttribute.


For a complete example, check out the Show Callout on Map custom activity tutorial.

[assembly: Export(typeof(CustomActivity))]
namespace App1.Workflow
public class CustomActivity : IActivityHandler
public Func<MapProviderBase> MapProviderFactory { get; set; }

public static string Action { get; } = "uuid:<uuid>::CustomActivity";

public Task<IDictionary<string, object?>> Execute(IDictionary<string, object?> inputs, IActivityContext context)
var mapProvider = MapProviderFactory();
await mapProvider.Load();
var map = mapProvider.Map;
var mapView = (MapView)((WorkflowMapProvider)mapProvider).View;

// ...

return new Dictionary<string, object?>();